Crescent Pallet Carousel (1000W)

The carousel is designed to recirculate baggage on a continuous basis until it is removed from the conveyor. The crescent pallet carousel can be used as an arrivals carousel or make-up loop.

Whilst the design of the conveyor modules has been standardised, it allows for many different configurations length and pallet height to suit different applications.

General Dimensions

Baggage Handling Systems

Baggage Handling Systems

Key Features

  • Caterpillar drive to ensure positive engagement at all times.
  • Direct shaft mounted gearmotor provides drive to the sprockets.
  • Low minimum conveyor height of 310mm.
  • Sealed for life bearings used throughout in order to minimise maintenance.
  • Modular components provide flexibility in design and future expansion.

Types of Crescent Pallet Carousels

  • Arrivals Reclaim Carousel: Typically, 320 mm in height to allow for easy removal of baggage. Stainless steel clad in passenger area.
  • Departures Make-up Carousel: Located airside. Typically 600 mm to 800 mm in height to allow for easy unloading of baggage into / onto a container / trailer. Galvabond or powder coated finish.

Technical Specifications

  • Drive Unit: Caterpillar drive unit floor mounted and consists of a gearmotor sized to suit the required drive. The gearmotor is shaft mounted directly to the drive head shaft.
  • Frame: Fabricated mild steel construction with M16 threaded rod for vertical adjustment and precise levelling. A sound, reasonably level floor is required for simple installation and fixing.
  • Cladding: 2.5 mm thick 304 grade stainless steel with #4 finish horizontal grain on surfaces exposed to public view. 3 mm powder coated or galvabond mild steel airside.
  • Conveyor Pallet: Crescent shaped polyurethane covered, steel or wooden composite core accurately moulded to maintain correct relationship between segments when negotiating turns.